Thursday, April 16, 2009

How to Get a Girl to do Anything in Bed PART TWO

Ahh, this earthly realm. Is all that makes me happy receiving sexy spam emails?

Maybe, but not quite. Upon other things, I just registered for classes for the Fall 2009 at Villanova; however more on this when I A) have more time and B) am sober.

For now I leave you with my response to this email I received...

By yudhishthira the just, of great intelligence. O sinless
one, that i am about to tell thee is. Proceeded to demonstrate as he explained. Thenmy the lower bunk. He was dragged out. Another saturday morality. A brave
man, if bereft of understanding, hath been uttered by thee,
o king, with respect possible. 'my god! Thou deserted me!'
he murmured. Feeling greatly relieved that her suspicion
was back in america only a year. We met early in the parker
pillsbury, another preacher and lecturer, once more returned
to battle, proceeding to the illness, had been his favorite
beneath the tall flowed away, even so, o king, are these
lamentations is, that hardy plants under glass demand skilful.

Beautiful. As a point of clarification: the italicized portion of this entry is actually something I received in an email entitled "How to get a girl to do anything in Bed". There is a link at the top of the email, followed by this fantastic piece of literary genius.

This shit is heavy. I feel very bad for Parker Pillsbury... Has he indeed been released from this mortal coil!?

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