Friday, April 17, 2009

Yeah I'm Pretty Much a Socialist... Don't Like it? Blow Me.

Whilst browsing the wondrous Facebook, I often come across a few updates from some individuals that are rather politically charge. Generally they're of the sentiment "NOBAMA!", or "KEEP THE CHANGE!", or "I'M GOING TO A TEABAGGER PARTY!". Which is fine, I actually don't mind because I used to be in a group called "Fuck this President!". Seeing all of these somewhat... hating posts has really solidified my view on one thing.

Don't like what's going on? That's fine, but don't try to change my mind on it. Because you're not going to. And I'll probably try to ball tap you (twat tap? if you're a female?) if you even attempt to debate a subject with me on the grounds of you attempting to persuade me I'm wrong.

I'm all about scholarly, intelligent debate. In fact I thrive on it. But I really am getting sick of the politically charged bullshit that is constantly bombarding my life (I'm partly to blame, I do subscribe to the Economist and I always jog on the treadmill at the gym with FOX News on in front of me... I find the anger makes perfect JOGGING FUEL). I've come to a few basic realizations, and I really with others would heed my fucking word.

1. Yes, I'm a fucking Socialist
And I'm actually a very well read one, as well. Y'know, I don't take pride in my political ideals. I know they're heavily idealized. I know they'll never come true. But I have them. So god damned deal with it. All too many times I've had someone (a friend, an acquantance, or someone I've never met before) ask me about my views on, oh, let's say, the stimulus package. I'll usually sit back, play it off and hear what the other person has to say. But oftentimes the poor soul makes the misguided attempt to label the package as "socialism". Generally, at this point I say "No, no it isn't" while muttering a profane insult under my breath. Then the person sees I'm on the "left" side of things, politically speaking. In Indiana, that tends to be a boo-boo thing. Then I feel judged and hated upon... Which usually doesn't bother me. But when I go out of my way to not be political, and some horse's ass continues grinding their thoughts into my face trying to make me agree with them... It tends to be bothersome.

2. Yes, I'm a fucking Idealist
95% of those that realize I tend to be very left leaning usually make some comment about me being a communist, or tell me to appreciate the freedoms I have because my Grandpa died in Vietnam, or some shit like that. Usually I write them off and ignore them, often feeling bad for the mental retardation that has obviously struck them. But there is a small 5% group that immediately go for the somewhat thoughtful response: "Well, you know socialized health care will never happen", or "Equal rights will never be completely equal", or "Love people? What? Shut up with your Hippie mumbo-jumbo and go get high on shrooms and screw a Hollister mannequin". To this latter, more intelligent group, I say "Yeah, yeah I'm an idealist". I wonder, what is their point? I understand how much of a farce global humanitarian equality is. But that doesn't mean I can't dream about it. It doesn't mean I don't think it's the best thing that can happen socially. I understand it seems unlikely right now. But you know what seemed completely unthinkable more than a hundred years ago? Women having the right to vote. So go fuck yourself. How can we ever achieve anything if we don't aim high?

3. I want to reach a middle ground
This is possibly the most hypocritical portion or my rant. Yes, I think I'm a socialist. Yes, I know I'm an idealist. But you know what? I'm willing to compromise my ideas and listen to you. When I read all of the Facebook notes about how "Obama is t3h p0rk m4st3r" and "g4ys r rong!" I'll likely initially want to punt your shin. But then I think of how uncompromising you are in your views. And since I'm an egotistical bastard, I want to be better than you. (Plus, frankly, this makes more sense). We need to reach a common understanding. Sure, I think you're ignorant if you believe gays are trying to kill God, and the Jews placed fake dinosaur bones in the earth to disprove the Earth only being 4,000 years old. But I at least understand you're ignorant. So the most I expect from you is to understand my pretentiousness, and the fact that I probably know more about social sciences than you do.

The primary problem with our damned political system is this ridiculous Democrat/Republican dichotomy. I classify myself as neither. No one I know of likes the current system. But if us, "The Masses", don't figure out a way to at least listen and understand the other side (without trying to persuade them they're wrong, or compromise one's own view) we will get no where. We'll continue with this two party system, and your beloved "United States, Land of the Free" will quickly be swallowed up by every other nation that has realized the only thing that divides people politically are their owned god damned egos.


  1. I actually think a lot of people are closet socialists. As you said, it's generally an unpopular ideology; part of why I love you [man] is that you are always just "in your face suckah!" about what you think, what you believe, and who you are.

  2. I had a conversation with my mom about this sort of thing the other day. Firstly, what's wrong with communism? I've been studying it, mostly by talking to actual communists, and pretty much the only thing wrong with it is that it's unlikely to ever happen. There's a huge stigma associated with it because of the tendency for political leaders to usurp the power and end up with a bloody dictatorship pretending to be communism, but it's erroneous to say that the USSR or China are actually communist societies. So when people call you a communist, they're actually calling you a bloody dictatorshipist and you should totally call them out on it.

    Secondly, the only reason idealism is idealist is because there are too many realists. If everyone had the balls to be an idealist, maybe it would be become reality.
